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WESTERN DIGITAL Travelstar 500 GB **New

Etusivu IT Tuotteet Tallennus Sisäiset kovalevyt WESTERN DIGITAL Travelstar 500 GB **New
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WESTERN DIGITAL Travelstar 500 GB **New  (HTS545050A7E680)

WESTERN DIGITAL Travelstar 500 GB **New

Ammattilaisten arvostelut: 2 arvostelua
  • Liitäntä Serial ATA III
  • Siirtonopeus 6GB/s
  • Kapasiteetti 500GB
  • Pyörimisnopeus 5400RPM
  • Koko 2.5"
Saatavilla arviolta 25.12.2024

Travelstar™ Z5K500 is the second generation 7mm, 5400 RPM 2.5-inch hard drive from HGST, with capacities ranging from 250GB to 500GB, and the second generation Advanced Format drive. Advanced Format increases the physical sector size on HDDs from 512 bytes to 4,096 (4K) bytes, which improves drive capacities and error correction capabilities. The 500GB per platter, one-disk models are designed as a direct replacement for standard 9.5mm HDDs, for use in notebook PCs, external storage and gaming consoles, as well as new, thinner and more robust device designs. The Z5K500 carries the EcoTrac classification due to its low-power consumption and eco-friendly, halogen-free production. Travelstar Z5K500 delivers the right balance of capacity, power-management and design flexibility to meet the needs of mobile applications.

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