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PURO iPhone 13 SKYMAG Cover Leather Look, Black

Etusivu IT Tuotteet Puhelimet Matkapuhelintarvikkeet PURO iPhone 13 SKYMAG Cover Leather Look, Black
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PURO iPhone 13 SKYMAG Cover Leather Look, Black (IPC1361SKYMAGBLK)

PURO iPhone 13 SKYMAG Cover Leather Look, Black

  • Tyyppi Takakansi
  • Yhteensopivuus iPhone 13
  • Merkin Yhteensopivuus Apple
  • Color Musta

The black leather-look soft SKY MAG Cover for iPhone with MagSafe, made of resistant TPU to protect the device, is the ideal solution for your smartphone. The cover, with the inner in soft anti-scratch microfiber, is the perfect accessory to accompany you in everyday life: the perfect combination of elegance and functionality.With the raseid edges to protect the camera, your iPhone will be completely porotected on 4 sides. Attention to detail gives to the cover a touch of uniqueness, thanks to the brushed aluminum buttons and the engraved logo of Puro. The SKY MAG Cover for iPhone is certified MagSafe technology: it allows fast hooking to iPhone, to wireless Qi and to all the MagSafe compatible accessories.

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