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LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2

Etusivu IT Tuotteet Tietokoneet Näppäimistö ja hiiri LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)
LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2 (910-001793)

LOGITECH M90 corded optical Mouse grey USB - EWR2

  • Tyyppi Hiiri
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  • Liitettävyys Langallinen
  • Liitäntä USB A-tyyppi

Mouse M90


Just the basics
Setup is fast and easy. You can just plug the cable into a USB port and use it right away.

No false moves
You can’t go wrong with precise optical tracking. It’s a smooth mover—with or without a mouse pad.

From the mouse experts
You get the quality and design we’ve built into more than a billion mice.

Simple to set up and use
Setup is fast and easy—just plug the cable into a USB port. There’s no software to install. And since it’s corded, you can just plug the cable into a USB port and use it right away.

High-definition optical tracking
You’ll enjoy responsive, smooth cursor control, precise tracking and easy text selection thanks to high-definition optical tracking (1000 dpi).

Full-size comfort, ambidextrous design
Designed to keep either hand happy. So you’ll feel comfortable, even after hours of use.

Built by Logitech
This mouse comes with the quality and design we’ve built into more than a billion mice, more than any other manufacturer.

System Requirements

  • Windows® XP, Windows Vista® or Windows® 7
  • Mac OS® X 10.4 or later
  • Linux® kernel 2.6 or later
  • USB port


  • 3-year limited hardware warranty

Package Contents

  • Mouse
  • User documentation

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