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LOGITECH M100, Corded mouse,Black

Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
LOGITECH M100, Corded mouse, Black (910-001604)

LOGITECH M100, Corded mouse,Black

  • Tyyppi Hiiri
  • Lokalisaatio -
  • Liitettävyys Langallinen
  • Liitäntä USB A-tyyppi

Mouse M100

If the basics are all you need, you'll enjoy comfortable, reliable control of your computer.

Just the basics
Setup is fast and easy. You can just plug the cable into a USB port and use it right away

In good shape
Left-handed or right, you’ll be comfortable hour after hour with this full-size, ambidextrous design.

No false moves
You can’t go wrong with precise optical tracking. It’s a smooth mover—with or without a mouse pad.

System Requirements

Windows-based PC

  • Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, or Windows® 7
  • USB port

Mac® computer

  • Mac OS® X 10.4 or later
  • USB port


  • Linux® kernel 2.6 or later
  • USB port

Warranty Information

3-year limited hardware warranty

Package Contents

  • Mouse
  • User documentation

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