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FLASHE GAMING Glove Original edition, Size M, Red

Etusivu IT Tuotteet Koti Pelikonsolit ja -tarvikkeet FLASHE GAMING Glove Original edition, Size M, Red
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
FLASHE GAMING Glove Original edition, Size M, Red (GOR201)

FLASHE GAMING Glove Original edition, Size M, Red

  • Alusta Multi
  • Type Lisätarvikkeet

It's been known for a long time in the gaming community that the discomfort you encounter with your underarm and wrist against the mousepad is a big problem. Many people in their early 20's suffer from injuries related to using a computer mouse, and perform worse because of the high friction, lack of stability, and the injuries that arise. With the Flashe Gaming Glove you never have to worry about this problem again. The underside is completely covered with teflon, the same friction reducing material that you usually find on the underside of your computer mouse. This means that you can finally become one with your mouse and move it faster, easier and with more precision than ever before.Never before has something similar to this been presented. Our rotation support will most likely change the way we think and operate with a computer mouse worldwide, not only in gaming, but in general computer usage. In gaming, precision is extremely important, and with the present technology, there is no tool to assist precision while playing computer games - until now. The rotation support ensures that your link between the Flashe Gaming Glove and the computer mouse is not lost, for a smoother movement, and to allow you to become one with your mouse. Besides that, the rotation support provides you with a controlled movement for perfect precision, and once again, reduced friction, while rotating the mouse.

Huomioi, että kuva on suuntaa-antava ja varsinainen tuote saattaa ulkoasultaan poiketa tuotekuvasta (esim. tietokoneisiin ei välttämättä sisälly näyttöä, vaikka kuvassa sellainen olisikin). Jos tuotenimikkeessä on eri tiedot kuin tuotekuvauksessa, tuotenimikkeen tieto on oikein. Jos jokin asia jää epäselväksi, lähetä sähköpostia tukeen ennen tuotteen tilaamista.