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DJI Osmo Base Part 46

Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)
DJI Osmo Base Part 46 (CP.ZM.000341)

DJI Osmo Base Part 46


DJI Base - Kiinnitysalusta malleihin DJI Osmo
  • Tyyppi Asennus

The Osmo Base is used to fix the Osmo on tables or other level surfaces so that it remains stable without tipping over.

How to Install
Press down the buckle of the base, and insert the Osmo in the reserved installation position. Ensure that the buckle is firmly clamped to the Osmo lanyard before releasing the buckle. To unmount, press down on the buckle and take out the Osmo.
Note: To avoid abrasion, always press down on the buckle before inserting the Osmo or removing it from the base.

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