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DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver

Etusivu IT Tuotteet Verkko Kaapelit DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)
DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver (DBQAUANBC070)

DELL Adapter - Dell Adapter - USB-C to HDMI/ DisplayPort with Power Deliver

  • Tyyppi Adapteri
  • Liitin 1 DisplayPort
  • Liitin 2 HDMI-tyyppi A (vakio)
  • Väri Musta
  • Pituus 0.18m

DELL 470-AEGY. Enimmäiserottelutarkkuus: 3840 x 2160 pikseliä. Tuotteen leveys: 62 mm, Tuotteen syvyys: 65 mm, Tuotteen korkeus: 11 mm

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